Organize Multiple Jobs with Enfocus Switch

By Jason Tempestini

June 12, 2024

Well, here's a situation we get into pretty frequently. A customer has sent us a folder of work. This one's named Many Jobs. Spoiler alert. And inside of that, we have a bucket of Illustrator files with a common Fonts and Links folder. Now packages of files work great.

That way I have the original artwork in a Fonts and Links folder, each one of those becomes a job, away we go, and it works well through an automated workflow. But what am I supposed to do with this bucket? Well, I'll show you. Switch has got an answer for that.

Here we'll use the Split Multi-Job. And all we have to determine here is what's my file type. So in this case, I'm going to go ahead and say that the Illustrator is my file type, connect it up from my In, connect it up to my Out.Of course, I've left a copy because I like to keep a copy of the original piece as submitted. We'll save the flow, activate the flow, go into my Jobs, find my Many Jobs folder, and drop it on the Inbox. 

And away we go. We've got a new project folder for every single Illustrator file, ready to go on to pre-flight or moving into your workflow. Super simple. Imagine how long that would take by hand.

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